Monday 22 February 2016

MUET Speaking Tips: Individual Presentation

Assalamualaikum and hye ~~

Attention!! kepda student2 ipta or form 6 yg ingin mengambil peperiksaan MUET,, anda dh preapare utk exam nie?? haa~~ sdiakan payung sblum hujan nahh.. jgan esok nak exam mlam ni baru nak study,, bak kata orang muda zaman sekarang ni,, study last minute ni dpat msuk dlm kepala sebab katanya freshh lagi gituu.. haha, utk menolak perspektif macam tu,, ap kata kita jenguk2 la skit tips2 utk exam MUET ni ya.. so, kat sini ad la tips2 preparation awal utk ambil MUET test ni.. jgan lupa usha2 blog ni utk dpat information trbaru okayy..^_^ good luck everyone!!

During the test,all four students will be given different questions.There are two parts of speaking test which are Task A(Individual Presentation) and task B ( Group Discussion)


A Step-by-Step Guide

given the situation,you now have :

  • 2 minutes to prepare your responses
  • 2 minutes to present

Step 1:

  1. Read the situation given carefully
  2. Underline keys words
  3. Analyze the task given
  4. Focus on your task

      Step 2:

      1. Jot down all your points quickly 
      2. Use key words or phrases
      Step 3:
      1. Organize your points by numberig them in a logical sequence
      2. Quickly insert linkers/connectives near the numbers so that you will remember to say them
      3. Remember your introduction and conclusion

      Overal tips:

      • Speak loudly and clearly so that examiners can hear you.
      • Don't be too nervous up to the point where you can't speak properly.Take a deep breath, and speak slowly and clearly.
      • Make eye contact with examiners and the others candidates especially during Task B as it is a group discussion.
      • Use good languange.Good choice of words and sentence structure are plus points.
      • Don't be rude.Always say "excuse me" when you wish to interrupt and thank you after giving your speech in Task B.

      (will be continued)


      1. This is a good speech for those who taking Muet.. I bet you are taking Muet too.. all the for you ^^

      2. Thank you for advice. You can share your experience of taking Muet. Good luck. (;

      3. thank you atas perkongsian awak salsabiila
